The sheeting on each side of the turtle deck has been added and the
1/4" thick top turtle deck is ready to be added. |
The turtle deck cap has been added and carved and sanded to shape. |
Side view/ profile of the aft fuselage section. |
Rear view of the turtle deck. The horizontal stbilizer and vertical fin
will be covered with and then glued on the bearing platform. Then sheeting and blocking
will be added to complete the tail. |
The three components of the rata nose laid out for assembly. The three components
considt of a 3 layer 1/4" balsa ring, a 1/16" plywood motor mount and a front 1/4" balsa and
1/16" playwood cowl cover plate. |
I created a graphic of a 9-cylinder M-63 engine to place behinde the front cowl
face for a little scale effect. |
I also used AutoCAD and Photoshop to render a graphic of the I-16
instrument panel. |