This Mig-3 is all balsa construction. The frame was covered with .56 oz
fiberglass cloth and resin. The model was prepared for painting by using Tempo primer.
The color coats are Model Master Acrylic paint. Panel lines were done with a #2 lead pencil.
A final top coat of dull laquer was applied at the end. The completed airframe weighed ~ 9 oz.
The original plans are available for purchase as a downloadable PDF file.
A vacuum formed canopy can is also available.
Exhaust stacks and fuselage side scoops are easily made from 3/32" balsa.
Any way you look at it, the Mig-3 has some great lines. The wing fillets add
a distinctive character to the airplane. They are made by applying a sheet of 3/32" balsa over
some formers glued to the top of the wing.
The model is designed for a Mega 16/15 brushless motor and the plans
show that installation. The model would fly nicely on a stock speed 400 brushed motor if that
is the desired option.
The horizontal and vertical stab are balsa sheet with lightening holes
cut to reduce weight. The tail surfaces are were covered with a paintable iron-on covering
prior to assembly. The model could be covered with iron-on material like Coverite in leau
of painting.
Bottom view of the completed model showing the radiator scoop and panel line